An inspirational online course for parents, grandparents and carers who want better relationships with their children.
Transform your relationship with your child
Warm listening is a foundation skill for parenting that works for us and our children. When we are able to respond to our children in a way that helps them feel seen, heard, understood and welcome, we are giving them what they need to navigate life. We are also giving ourselves a break from the constant struggle to manage family life.
Parenting is not easy
As a parent you have the scary and wonderful opportunity to give your child so much of what they need for a healthy childhood and lifelong resilience and the need for true resilience has never been more pressing.
Climate and Social crises are making it urgent and important that we support our children's capacity to thrive now and for the future.
But none of us can do this on our own and the road to robustness has been lost along the way as our societies have become disconnected and stressful. I'm here to help.
Children need to be seen, heard, understood and welcome, especially by their parents and main carers. It is a survival need. When they have this, they have the conditions for thriving and resilience when things are tough. Adults need it too and we struggle to thrive without strong relationships that meet these needs. Hardly any of us have had these needs met enough throughout our lives and so it is no wonder we find it hard to offer it to our own children.
We can change this and we need to if we are going to bring our children up into a better world. It starts with us and there is a lot we can do together.
Warm listening reduces conflict in the family. It allows healthy communication and deeper understanding. When you offer your child warm listening they will trust you to open up to you more. Listening with warmth increases cooperation and reduces conflict and challenging behaviour.
The good news is that this foundational parenting skill is really simple. What makes it complicated is how much gets in the way. And it takes practice. Honestly it will transform not just your parenting, but all your relationships. It works like magic.
you will learn
a very simple process for listening with warmth and empathy
what gets in the way of our ability to listen deeply to our children and how to address some of those challenges.
an understanding of what happens in your child’s brain under stress, how that translates into challenging behaviour and, importantly, hope to cope with that.
special offer
Limited time offer. Doors close soon.
aims of the workshop
to learn and practise down to earth, practical ways of communicating with empathy in order to improve the relationship with your child
to build confidence in dealing with challenging conversations with communication skills that really work
to use current neurobiological research to understand how warm listening is the basic building block of resilient parenting and why that is so vital in building and maintaining a relationship in which you and your child can thrive.
Just $149 — Early bird special this week only
Jo McAndrews
I am a mother to a teenage daughter, parenting coach and group facilitator. I trained as a psychotherapist and have always worked with children, young people and the adults around them. I support people to grow resilience in the face of urgent and changing times. I love singing and light up when I am part of a bunch of people singing in harmony together.
I am heartbroken by the stress, anxiety and suffering of children and young people, by the lack of support given to parents. I am furious at the way children’s needs are ignored by governments. I am passionate about how we can change that together. There is so much information available now that shows how to build deep and lasting resilience in our whole culture through changing the way we bring up children. I am dedicated to sharing this information in warm, compassionate and inspiring ways.
After this
a Foundation to build upon
You’ll have the insight you need to begin any watercolor design. Your clear understanding of painting principles can be conformed to any artistic vision.
Confidence to pursue art
Self-doubt will evaporate as you continue to practice the methods. This spark we’ve ignited inside you will grow stronger and push the limits of your creativity.
Skills to elevate technique
Your thirst for improvement will further be powered tips you’ve picked up in this course. You can continue to experiment and expand your talent.
Last time, this course sold out in 2 days. Make sure you get in before the doors close!
That feeling of being drawn to paint—
that’s called intuition.
You deserve to follow it.
You’ll have the insight you need to begin any watercolor design.
dionne brown
I never considered myself a creative—until I took Flora's course.
fay Lestari
Hands-down my favorite art class I've ever taken.
Juniper meyer
One of the best things I could have done for myself! I love the paintings I created in this course.
anabella hernandez
Wander into the world of watercolor painting and uncover the true artist that’s been hiding inside you