A webinar for parents, grandparents and carers who want to nurture climate resilience in their children

Parenting for resilience in a time of climate crisis

“I know this will be deeply wise, helpful and nourishing. Thank you for your years of dedication to this topic”

Lucie, mum and co-director of Parents for Future

a climate-conscious approach to parenting: cultivating resilience, empathy, and collaboration in an uncertain world


Parenting is challenging at the best of times and in our current reality of a climate and biodiversity crisis, meeting the needs of our children and young people becomes all the more difficult.

As we know, many of our young people struggle with anxiety in the face of our climate and ecological emergency. I believe there is a way that we can equip ourselves to support our children and young people to not feel alone.

I warmly invite you to a 90-minute online seminar via Zoom on the 22nd July at 7pm, where I will be walking you through some very practical ways you can support the young people in your care in the face of climate change.

We will cover current research and practical strategies for understanding and responding to children and young people in a way that fosters true resilience. Delivered with warmth and compassion and a deep understanding of how very challenging it is to do this work.


you will learn


Practical tools for prioritising warm and responsive relationships

Learn how to be your child's biggest ally now and for the future 


A model of resilience based on human needs

Understand the evolution of human needs over time and applying this model to parenting in the context of social and environmental disruption


7 steps to climate aware parenting

How to nurture emotional intelligence and empathy in children to create an environment that supports family thriving


Neurobiological research and child development

Key findings on children's needs for healthy growth and translating research into practical parenting strategies


How to respond to climate distress

How to find support for your own strong feelings and hold your child in theirs


Equipping children with skills to face present and future challenges

Develop a holistic approach to parenting and education and learn simple practices for nervous system regulation for the whole family 

‘We cannot protect children from the impact of climate change, but we can protect them from being alone with it’

Jo McAndrews

Watch replay of talk on video


Jo McAndrews

I am a mother to a teenage daughter, parenting coach and group facilitator. I trained as a psychotherapist and have always worked with children, young people and the adults around them. I support people to grow resilience in the face of urgent and changing times. I love singing and light up when I am part of a bunch of people singing in harmony together.

I am heartbroken by the stress, anxiety and suffering of children and young people, by the lack of support given to parents. I am furious at the way children’s needs are ignored by governments. I am passionate about how we can change that together. There is so much information available now that shows how to build deep and lasting resilience in our whole culture through changing the way we bring up children. I am dedicated to sharing this information in warm, compassionate and inspiring ways. 

a climate-conscious approach to parenting: cultivating resilience, empathy, and collaboration in an uncertain world